All 3 major US stock indexes recorded impressive gains Wednesday to go some way towards undoing losses from earlier in the week. The Nasdaq led the charge with a 1.19% climb, while the Dow and S&P were both up 0.93%.
The Dow is the biggest winner since President Joe Biden took office and is, once again, closing in on the 10% mark. The Nasdaq increased its gains under Biden by around 50% today.
Biden’s position compared to predecessor Donald Trump has improved by more than 1% on each of the 3 indexes today. After 92 days of Trump’s presidency, the S&P had grown by less than 4%, whereas under Biden it has grown by more than double that amount.
The day has been less fruitful for Biden in his comparison with Barack Obama. His deficit to Obama on the Nasdaq has widened by more than 1% to almost 4%. Similarly, his leads on the Dow and S&P have reduced although they remain healthy.
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