The stock market dropped again Tuesday with the Dow leading the losses this time. It dropped 1.36%, while the S&P was down 0.87% on the day. The Nasdaq recovered from heavy early losses and was just 0.09% down by the close.
After 112 days of Joe Biden’s presidency, the Dow and S&P have seen strong, albeit reduced, growth, while the Nasdaq has gained only around 1.5%.
Biden’s leads over Donald Trump on the Dow and S&P have decreased since yesterday – the former by more than 1%. He has, however, reduced Trump’s larger lead on the Nasdaq slightly.
Biden has actually improved his position across all 3 indexes compared to Barack Obama. He has reduced Obama’s lead on the Nasdaq by a few tenths of a percent, while his lead on the Dow has grown by a similar amount. Biden’s lead over Obama on the S&P has more than doubled since yesterday.
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