All 3 US stock indexes fell Monday, with the Nasdaq down particularly sharply. It dropped 2.55%, with the S&P down 1.04%. The Dow was up for most of the day but ended down 0.10%.
The Nasdaq’s gains under President Joe Biden have now be stripped back to less than 2% after 111 days of presidency. The Dow has grown by more than 12%, in contrast.
Biden’s deficit to Donald Trump on the Nasdaq has widened by more than 3% to over 9% since Friday. Biden has also seen his lead on the S&P decrease by more than 1%, while his lead on the Dow has actually increased slightly.
Biden has also seen a significant deterioration in his position compared to Barack Obama at the same stage in his first term of presidency. Obama’s lead on the Nasdaq has increased by more than 4%. Biden’s lead on the S&P is down by almost as much to less than 1%. His Dow lead has reduced by more than 2%.
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