Thursday was a slightly positive day for the market, with all 3 key indexes making small gains. The NASDAQ finished up 103.1 points (+0.9%), while the Dow Jones was up 44.8 points (+0.2%) and the S&P 500 was up 14.1 points (+0.4%).
Since President Trump took office, the NASDAQ has increased 114.7%, the Dow 49.2%, and the S&P 58.1% – a time period that span 1400 total days. If we look at the first 1400 days of the Obama presidency, the NASDAQ had increased 90.7%, the Dow 54.5%, and the S&P 63.1%. Obama is leading Trump on 2 out of 3 key stock market indexes, as well as jobs created and GDP growth, while Trump is leading on NASDAQ performance.
On an annualized basis, the NASDAQ has increased 22.0% per year under President Trump, followed by the Dow increasing at 11.0% per year and the S&P increasing at 12.7%. These Dow Jones and S&P annualized numbers are all below the annualized numbers for Obama, while the annualized NASDAQ number is above Obama, which makes sense as we were already controlling for the number of days in office in the table above.
To see more presidential performance data such as GDP or jobs growth and comparisons, visit us at Facts First, the only non-opinion based presidential performance site on the web.