The Dow and S&P ended on record highs Thursday, while the Nasdaq gained 1.31% on the day. The Dow was up 0.90%, while the S&P gained 1.11%.
All 3 US stock indexes have grown strongly since Joe Biden took office as president in January. The Dow has gained the most and is closing in on gains of 10%, while the Nasdaq is recovering following a slower start and now has gains of upwards of 4%.
Biden continues to improve his position compared to Donald Trump at the same stage in his presidency. After 86 days, the difference in the growth of the Nasdaq between the pair has almost disappeared. Biden has grown his leads on the Dow and S&P by about 1% from yesterday.
Biden has improved his position relative to Barack Obama on the Nasdaq, reducing the latter’s advantage by more than 1%. Biden’s strong advantages on the Dow and S&P remain and have seen less movement from yesterday.
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