The Nasdaq dropped further Wednesday to close down a further 2.01% as all 3 indexes closed down on the day. The S&P lost 0.55% of its value, while the Dow was down a negligible 0.01%.
The Nasdaq has now lost getting on for 4% of its value since Joe Biden took over as president in January. The Dow is still up by almost 4%, but the S&P’s gains are reducing.
Biden continues to trail predecessor Donald Trump on all 3 indexes after 64 days in office. Trump’s lead on the Nasdaq has increased a couple of percentage points to almost 9%, while his S&P lead is over 2.5%. His advantage on the Dow has reduced slightly from yesterday.
Despite today’s losses, Biden has improved his position in comparison to Barack Obama from yesterday. He has reduced his deficit on the Nasdaq to less than 3%, while his leads on the Dow and S&P have risen by over 1%.
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