The Dow and S&P broke the records set Friday to close up by more than 0.5% apiece as the markets continued to benefit from the colossal stimulus package passed by the US Congress. The Nasdaq continued to claw back recent losses and finished up 1.05%.
The Dow has now gained almost 6% since President Joe Biden took office, while the Nasdaq is almost back to parity.
Biden has slightly improved his position relative to Donald Trump on all 3 indexes from Friday but continues to trail the former president on all of them. The Dow has gained less than 0.51% under Biden than it had under Trump after 55 days of their respective presidencies.
Biden has seen a notably better start to his presidency with regard to the stock market than Barack Obama did. He has added 0.71% to his lead on the Nasdaq and suffered only marginal reductions on the other 2 since Friday. He continues to have double digit leads over Obama on both the Dow and S&P.
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