The Dow and S&P both closed Tuesday down slightly to end a strong run that had culminated in a record high yesterday. The former closed down 0.39%, while the S&P fell 0.16%. There was a small 0.09% rise for the Nasdaq.
Biden has, therefore, still seen gains on both the Dow and S&P after 56 days of his presidency. The Nasdaq is very, very close to being back to where it was when he took over from Donald Trump on January 20th.
Biden continues to trail Trump on all 3 stock indexes after 56 days of their respective presidencies. There is little change compared to yesterday, with the most notable one being Biden’s deficit on the Dow increasing by a third of one percent to 0.84%.
The stock market under Biden continues to do remarkably better than it had under Barack Obama at this stage of his presidency. Biden has actually increased his lead on the Nasdaq by almost 2%. He continues to have substantial leads on the Dow and S&P.
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