It was a mixed day on the stock market Wednesday. The Dow Jones ended 0.29% higher to break the end-of-day record once again. The Nasdaq, however, continued its recent difficulties, dropping a further 0.37%. The S&P gained a modest 0.07%.
The Nasdaq has now gained less than 3% in the 106 days since Joe Biden became president. This contrasts with the approaching 11% gain for the Dow and approaching 10% gain for the S&P.
Biden has lost almost another 1% to Donald Trump on the Nasdaq comparison at the same point in their presidencies. Biden continues to have a good lead on the Dow and a good, but slightly reduced, lead on the S&P.
Biden has improved his position relative to Barack Obama by a few tenths of a percent on all 3 indexes since yesterday. He continues to trail substantially on the Nasdaq, but has a significant lead on the Dow Jones.
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