All 3 of the main US stock indexes gained ground on Thursday. The Nasdaq was up the most at 0.78%, while the S&P closed 0.47% higher. The Dow Jones was up a more modest 0.06%.
Both the Dow and the S&P have gained more than 11% since Joe Biden became president in January. The Nasdaq has now passed the 6% growth landmark.
Biden has improved his position compared to Donald Trump on all 3 indexes. Day 142 of Trump’s presidency was a day when the markets were closed so his lead on the Nasdaq has reduced in line with today’s gains. Biden has also seen his leads on the Dow and S&P increase for the same reason.
Biden has also improved his position compared to Barack Obama. Obama’s lead on the Nasdaq has been pared back by more than 1%. Biden has increased his lead on the S&P by almost the same amount and seen a small increase in his Dow lead.
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