Stocks fell again Tuesday. The S&P was down the most with a drop of 0.85%, while the Dow lost 0.78% of its value. The Nasdaq had been in the green for much of the day but late losses saw it close down 0.56%.
The Nasdaq’s gains under Joe Biden have again dropped below 1%. The Dow and S&P have seen much stronger growth despite today’s losses.
Biden’s position compared to Donald Trump has worsened since yesterday. The gaps between the pair on the all 3 indexes after 119 days of presidency have moved more than 1% in the Republican’s favor.
Biden’s position compared to Barack Obama has worsened to an even greater extent. Obama’s lead on the Nasdaq has increased by about 4% in just 24 hours. Biden’s leads on the Dow and S&P have reduced by similar margins.
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