There was little change on the 3 main US stock indexes on the first day back after the holiday weekend. The Dow Jones gained 0.13%, but both the Nasdaq and S&P lost a small amount of ground. The former ended 0.09% lower, and the latter dropped 0.05% despite spending much of the day in the green.
The Dow continues to close in on 12% growth under President Joe Biden, while the Nasdaq’s gains are only a little more than a third of that.
Biden has lost a bit of ground in his comparison with Donald Trump, although the loss since Friday is less than 1% on each index. Biden now trails Trump by almost 9% on the Nasdaq comparison, while his leads on the Dow and S&P have shrunk.
There has, once again, been far more significant change in Biden’s comparison with Barack Obama. So much so that a Biden lead of 4% on the S&P has turned into a small lead for Obama. Obama’s lead on the Nasdaq has also shot up by more than 5%, while Biden’s remaining lead on the Dow has been whittled down by almost 4%.
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