The Dow gained 0.16% Wednesday but there were losses on the other 2 major US stock indexes. The S&P closed down 0.41% despite making gains early on, while the Nasdaq was down 0.99%.
The Dow continues to be the strongest performing index of Joe Biden’s presidency. It has now gained more than 8% since he took over from Donald Trump. The Nasdaq’s gains have been pared to around 3%, while the S&P has gained just above 7%.
Biden’s position relative to Trump has slipped on 2 of the 3 indexes from yesterday. He now trails his predecessor by almost 2% on the Nasdaq. He does continue to have good comparative advantages on the Dow and S&P.
Biden’s position relative to Barack Obama has improved on all 3 indexes over the past 24 hours. The incumbent has reduced his deficit on the Nasdaq by a few tenths to just over 3%. His leads on the Dow and S&P have increased by more than 1.5%. At this stage in Obama’s presidency both indexes were still in negative territory compared to when he took over from George W Bush.
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